Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do you screen your employees?
Yes, before any of our employees start working with our children we obtain clearance from The Department of Justice. We implement random drug testing and train our lead staff to be CPR Certified.
2. What are your teacher’s qualifications?
Our teachers have background training in Early Child Development; their education ranges from 15 college units at an accredited JC or University to a BA degree in Child Development. We also have resident teachers who are at our sites temporarily while working on their teaching credentials.
3. Are there any specials or savings?
Yes! You may apply for our Free State Preschool approved scholarship program or our TL Scin grant programs by calling 559-228-8687. There is also financial child care assistance from these great programs Supportive Service or Children’s Services Network.
4. How do I apply for the scholarship programs?
Please call 559-228-8687 to setup an appointment to fill out the application at the Corporate Office located on Yale Ave. This process will take approximately 30 minutes, you may save time by clicking enrollment and filling out the enrollment form.
Please bring a copy of:
- current check stubs
- Child’s Immunization Card
5. May I call or visit?
Yes, you may. We enjoy parent participation; you are welcome on field trips and special outing events.
6. Does my child need to be potty-trained?
No, and we assist you with your child’s potty training at no additional charge. However, we will recommend that your child be trained before transferring into a Rising Star classroom.
7. What is your discipline?
Discipline Policy
Redirection or timeout is the method used at N.L.D.S. At no time is harsh or corporal punishment permitted. The school cannot recognize the intent of the child but the action. We strive hard to maintain a safe environment for all our children, so therefore there is a “Zero Tolerance” for children intentionally disobeying safety rules.
8. What is your sick policy ?
The State Department of Social Welfare requires a Licensed Physician Certificate of Good Health for each child upon entrance. If your child gets ill at school, they will be removed from the class room until you are able to pick them up. We are not designed to take care of sick children, so please keep them home if there is any symptom of illness. If your child is out one week due to a childhood relate illness. We will provide you with half that week’s tuition credit. (maxium 10 days per year)
9. How much do I need to pay each month?
The prices vary depending on your child’s age and hours of service needed. Ask the Director for a current rate sheet.
10. How do I enroll my child?
It is fast and easy. Fill out the forms provided in your packet and return it to your child’s Director. Use form NLDS 1939 as a check off list, to insure you complete all the forms needed.
11. This is my child’s first childcare experience. What should I expect?
It’s normal for a child to be apprehensive about the first day of preschool. The new situation and changes can cause separation anxiety. Spend some time talking about what the preschool day will entail. If possible, arrive early enough to allow time for you and your child to adjust for the day. If your child knows what to expect, they’ll be better able to look forward to the experience with excitement instead of apprehension. Assure your child that mommy or daddy will be back. Remember we are only a phone call away.
12. Do you offer sibling discounts?
Yes, we offer a 10% discount off the oldest sibling.
13. What paid holidays do you observe?
NLDS is open all year round, but the observe the followingp paid holidays.
- New Years Day
- Martin Luther Kings’ Day
- Presidents Day
- Memorial Day
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving & the following Friday
- Christmas Eve close @ 12:00
- Christmas Day
14. What is included in your services?
Infant, toddler, preschool and after school care services include:
- Breakfast, Lunch, afternoon snacks
- Our meals follow the State Nutrition Guidelines
- Updated information through our social networking website, emails, SMS texting.
- Transportation to and from public schools
- Monthly field trips
- Formula for infants
- Free preschool services for 3 and 4 year olds to qualified families
- Preschool enrichment program from 9am-11am
- Fenced and supervised play yards
- Fingerprinted and CPR certified trained staff
- Staff with Core Early Childhood credits
15. What do I need to provide?
Infant Program Preschool Program
- 6 diapers daily (labeled)
- A change of clothes (labeled) – Wet wipes (labeled)
- Specialty items (labeled)
- 2 changes of clothes
- Breast milk (if applicable)
- Toddler Program School Age Program
- 2 changes of clothes (labeled)
- School safety rules sign and returned
- Training pants or pull ups(labeled)
- Any personal items allowed by parent (labeled or engraved)
16. Who do I call if I have questions or concerns?
The Corporate Office located at 4926 E. Yale Fresno Ca. 93727 has staff available to assist.
Do not hesitate to give us a call 559-228-8687, Email [email protected] or send us a letter 1865 Herndon Ave #K335 Clovis, CA 93611.
17. Why should I choose your childcare facility?
NLDS is a locally owned chain of preschools that have been in business serving the community since 1986. We have second generation families enrolling their children in our schools because of the safety and security they felt as a child with us. We have an open door policy so you are cordially invited to discover our center. We are certain that once your child has discovered our children’s center program, you will want your child enrolled in our daily activities on an ongoing basis.