
AR Daycare and early Education


Attention! If you have a child between the ages of 1 to 5 years you may be eligible for our Free state approved childcare program, view the income guideline chart below for qualifications.

Call 292-8687 ask for Jessica or Dominque

To make a payment by PayPal click Link below

Clovis School

Rates 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days
6 mos – 23 mos
For services up to 10 hours per day
98.00 185.00 225.00 320.00 395.00

2 – 5 yrs

For services up to 10 hours per day

84.00 131.00 186.00 247.00 310.00

6 – 10 yrs

(Winter, Spring, Summer Breaks)

72.00 104.00 140.00 220.00 275.00

6 – 10 yrs

Rev – 1/24

Payments must be made in advance

Registration Fee $24.00 per month per family

65.00 90.00 117.00 148.00 184.00


Figarden School

Rates 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days

12 mos – 23 mos

For services up to 10 hours per day

98.00 185.00 225.00 320.00 395.00

2 – 5 yrs

For services up to 10 hours per day

84.00 131.00 186.00 247.00 310.00

6 – 10 yrs

(Winter, Spring, Summer Breaks)

72.00 104.00 140.00 220.00 275.00

6 – 10 yrs

Rev – 1/24

Payments must be made in advance

Registration Fee $24.00 per month per family

65.00 90.00 117.00 148.00 184.00


Keats School

Rates 1 Day 2 Days 3 Days 4 Days 5 Days

18 – 23 mos

For services up to 10 hours per day

98.00 185.00 223.00 268.00 340.00

2 – 5 yrs

For services up to 10 hours per day

84.00 131.00 157.00 196.00 277.00

6 – 10 yrs

(Winter, Spring, Summer Breaks)

72.00 104.00 140.00 213.00 258.00

6 – 10 yrs
 Rev – 1/24

Payments must be made in advance

Registration Fee $24.00 per month per family

65.00 90.00 117.00 148.00 184.00

Get your child ready for Kindergarten in one of our state approved preschool facilities.

Below is the Max gross income Eligibility scale for FREE services. (For ages 1 yrs to 5yrs only) Rev. 7-1-24

Family size of Max Gross Income
Family size of 2 $8,900.00 per month
Family size of 3 $10, 100.00 per month
Family size of 4 $11, 700.00 per month
Family size of 5 $13, 600.00 per month
Family size of 6 $15, 500.00 per month
Family size of 7+ $15, 900.00 per month

To apply Call 559-228-8687

CAL WORKS CASH AID Recipients attending school or working who have children ages 1 to 10 years automatic qualify for free service.

Above is the max income eligibility for free childcare service. You may still be eligible for full day services for only $473.00 per month. Please call 559-228-8687 M-F for more information.

The list below are agencies that often have FREE to low cost childcare program assistance that NLDS also accepts.

Call today to get qualified!

CSN (Children’s Services Network) 559.456.1100

Supportive Services (working parents) 559.230.2030

Tribal Programs (working parents) 559.225.500