Program Services
Our Programs Include:
- Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks
- Baby Food
- Formula
- Assistance with Potty Training
- Small Classrooms
- DRDP Testing twice a year
- Kindergarten Preparation Program
- Classroom Supplies
- Transportation to Public Schools
- Homework Assistance
- Wii Stations
- Monthly Field Trips
- Supervised Activities Indoors & Outdoors
- Food & Lactose Accommodations
- Peanut Free Menu
- Classroom Security Cameras
- SMS texting reminders for events
- Social Network Updates of your children’s activities
- Infant and toddler program open from 7am to 6 pm.
Communication Services
New Life Discovery School’s believes that two-way comprehensive communication with you is essential for your child’s education. We have a variety of events, resources, and activities for you as a parent to stay involved with your child’s developmental growth. NLDS currently uses REMIND as a text message system to communicate with you regarding local resources, activities, events and school closers.
Diversity is the Best!
We support a diverse equitable culture in our programs and workplace and take pride in offering a diverse inclusive program and curriculum. Our educational curriculum offers Social and Emotional Development that will allow your child to experience, express, and manage emotions as well as the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with other cultures. New Life Discovery Schools is a place that welcomes every race, gender, religion, mobility, ability, sexual identity, and family structure.
ADA Accommodations
New Life Discovery Schools does not discriminate against persons with disabilities. We provide children and parents with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in our childcare program and services, unless their presence would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others or require a fundamental alteration of the licensed program.We welcome reasonable modifications to integrate children, parents, and guardians with disabilities into our programs unless doing so would constitute a fundamental alteration to the licensed program.